Monday, September 22, 2008

Puzzle Sketches...

If you haven't yet heard of, seen or started your entry for puzzle sketches go check them out. You can win yourself a $30 voucher from Bon's Scraps. Nic is lucky to have some great new sponsors involved with great things to come so add it to your blog list. If you love a challenge but with a difference then don't miss Puzzle Sketches.


KTM has almost come to an end but we still have quite a few items left at 50% off and kits at 20-30% off. We will be closing at the end of the month. Thanks to everyone for their well wishes over the last week or so.

Now I will have more time to scrap for me and I look forward to being able to enter other people's challenges etc as I wasn't able to before. Alot of the girls from KTM have found a new home at Scrap Therapy so if you want to catch up or are looking for a place to hang out Lee-anne and the other girls have made us feel really welcome.

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